Friday, January 14, 2011

Last Day of Class

Today was the last day of human geo! Next week we have EXAMS!! Gunna be studying all weekend...

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Today we took a test on Korea.  I think i did okay but not great. I studied but some of the things that were on the test I didn't think were going to be on there so I didn't study as much.

Monday, January 10, 2011

South Korea

  1. The Republic of Korea
  2. Lee Myung-Bak 
    1. First president and elected by people
    2. Before he became a politian he was ceo of one of the biggest corporations in Korea
    3. First got elected as mayor of Seoul
    4. Won the election on his birthday
  3. No one won the Korean War. 
  4. Same as North
  5. Only boarders North Korea. Yellow Sea and Sea of Japan
  6. Same
  7. Same
  8. Same
  9. Same
  10. The major city is Seoul. 10 million people
  11. We are their closest ally
  12. You can leave the country

No Nukes

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Inside North Korea

  • most isolated country on earth
  • DMZ most heavily guarded in the world
  • 23 million people
  • Kim Jong-il is dictator
  • newspapers run by country
  • no internet
  • cell phones are not allowed in the country
  • Americans not welcomed to North Korea
  • Hold us responsible for the division of Korea
  • Pictures of Dear Leader everywhere

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Today we talked more about Korea and the answers we got to the questions. The whole Korea situation is kind of weird and scary especially near the DMZ.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Korea Questions

  1. What is the official name of your Korea?
    1. Democratic People's Republic of Korea
  2. Who is the head of your country?  Give his title and a brief biography.
    1. Kim Jong-il is the Supreme Leader of the Republic. He was born February 16 1942. He was born in a secret camp on Baekdu Mountain. Official biographers claim that his birth was foretold by a swallow and heralded by the appearance of a double rainbow over the mountain and a new star in the heavens appeared. Attended Primary School No. 4 and Middle School No. 1. He graduated and began his ascension through the ranks of the ruling Korean Workers Party. His father was the ruler and when he died in 1994 he took over and began his rule.
  3. Write a brief (75 - 100 words) history of your country.
    1. World War II ended with the defeat of Japan in 1945. They had to give up power of Korea. It was then divided at the 38th parallel in the accordance with a United Nations arrangement. The Soviet Union administers South Korea and the United States administers the north. The Korean War was a war between the north and the south which was a fight about their freedom. The United States fought their war through Korea. The resulted in the division of Korea.
  4. Show where your country is on a regional map.
  5. What other countries and bodies of water does your country border?
    1. China, Russia, and Japan are the countries bordering Korea. The oceans bordering Korea are Korea Bay, Yellow Sea, and Sea of Japan.
  6. What is the significance of the 38th Parallel?
    1. The 38th parallel is where the division of Korea into North and South Korea.
  7. What is the relationship between your Korea and the other Korea?
    1. They used to be one big Korea until they fought to be divided or not.
  8. Describe what it is like just on your country’s side of the DMZ.
    1. It is heavily guarded with barbed wire fences, watch towers, and guards on duty at all times.
  9. What does the the United Nations think of your relationship with the other Korea?
    1. They think that they should try to work it out.
  10. What is the major city in your country?
    1. The major city is Pyongyang. 3.2 people
  11. Describe the role of the military.
    1. The role of the military is to defend the country and to fight if someone attacks their country.
  12. What is the role of nuclear weaponry?
    1. The role of nuclear weaponry is if anyone attacks their country to attack.
  13. Which superpower is your Korea’s closest ally?
    1. Their closest ally is China. (
  14. Can people enter and leave your country freely?  Why or why not?
    1. No people can not enter and leave the country freely because it is a dictatorship so if they see what it is like out of the country they would want to leave.
  15. What is the human rights record of your country?
    1. the government says that there is no human rights issue because it was chosen by the people
  16. Describe the role of the press (newspapers, TV, radio) in your country.
    1. The role of the press is to control what news comes in the country and is told to the rest of the world. They are one of the most controlled in the state.
  17. How so elections work in your country?
    1. There are no elections because Kim Jong-il is a dictator.
  18. How does your country feel about the United States?
    1. They hate us because we helped South Korea get their freedom.
  19. Is your economy healthy and thriving?  Give at least three statistics in your answer.
    1. No their economy is one of the most centrally directed and least open economies. Their GDP is 26.6 billion. Their GDP Growth is 3.7%. Their GDP per Capita is $1,900.
  20. What happened on November 23, 2010, that is important to both Koreas?
    1. North Korea attacks South Korea
  21. Who are Lisa Ling and Laura Ling, and what do they have to do with Korea?
    1. They are journalist and they were taken captive by North Korea