Friday, September 17, 2010

Non-Finished Notes

Saudi Arabia-

  • 100% Muslim
  • Literacy Rate: F-70.8% M-84.7%
  • Life Expectancy: M-74% F-74%
  • Infant Mortality-11.57/1000
  • Oil
    • Production-Ranked 2nd in the world
    • Exports-Ranked 1st in the world
  • Unemployment Rate 11.7%


  • Arable Land-9.78%
  • Unemployment-11.8%
  • Military- Have to join at 19 yrs (compulsory service)
  • Life Expectancy-M-69.65% F-72.72%
  • 18th biggest nation
  • Oil Production: Import 4 and Export 2.21 a day
  • Trying to build nuclear reactor
  • Literacy 18 and over 97%
  • Religion: 3/4 Jewish
  • Hebrew is official language
  • 4.22/1000 infant mortality
  • Arable land-2.92%
  • Language: Arabic (French and English is widely understood and educated)
  • Government: Republic
  • Literacy-15 and over can read and write
  • military- 18-30 yrs
  • infant mortality rate-27.26/1000 Ranked 81
  • Life Expectancy- 72.12
  • Read at age 15 (men educated more)
  • GDP-ranked 158
  • Religion- Muslim; no Jews
  • British colony
  • Seized Kuwait and tried to take over their land and oil rigs

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