Thursday, December 2, 2010


  • Compare Motion Picture Industry in India and the US. ( and
    • India's is in Bollywood.  United States is in Los Angeles.
    • United States: made on multi-million dollar budgets.  India: big but nowhere in comparison
    • India has more musicals and melodramas
    • India makes 5x more movies then us
  • What are the Names of the 3 main characters in the movie?
    • Jamal, Salim, and Latika
  • What is a chai wallah? 
  • 5 things about the Taj Mahal. (
    • It is one of the 8 Wonders of the World
    • Made entirely of white marble
    • Made by Muslim Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal.
    • She died during child birth giving birth to her 14th child
    • Made over a period of 22 years, employing 20,000 workers.
    • It cost 32 Million Rupees.
    • 213 ft tall

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