Friday, October 29, 2010


Today we took a quiz on God Grew Tired of Us and worked on our projects

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Starting Our Magazines

Today we started working with our partners on our magazine articles.  Tasha and I have the refugee camps, which will be kinda interesting.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Finishing Up God Grew Tired of Us

Today we finished watching the movie.  In the end John reunited with his mother and sister.  Every ended up doing something good for the world. Panther wants to start a school in Sudan and John Bul Dou started a medical clinic.  Daniel is still attending college.  After it ended we talked about Manute Bol.  He was a basketball player and humanitarian.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Notes on The Lost Boys of the Sudan

Today in class we watched God Grew Tired Of Us.  Heres some of the notes on it:

  • The boys were told that they can't travel in groups
  • after a year the boys miss their friends and families back in Africa
  • Some of them enroll in college
  • One of them learns some of his family is still alive in Uganda
  • One of the boys is missing and found 2 days later and was pronounced mentally unstable
  • They all go somewhere to reunite with people from Sudan that went all over the country
We also went over our definitions, summary, and paragraph about the Sudanese War.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Civil War of Sudan

The Civil War of Sudan started in 1983 and ended in 2005.  It was the second war they had.  It was located in Southern Sudan.  It was one of the longest and deadliest wars in the later part of the 20th century.  About 1.9 million civilians were killed and 4 million southerners were forced out of their country.  The fight was between the southern non-Arab populations and the government.  The war started because some of the states wanted to overthrow the Sudan Government.  They wanted to put in its place an opposition group.  Sudan has two major cultures.  They are Arab and African American.  So this caused major opposition between the two groups.  Most of the Northern parts of Sudan (cover most of Sudan) are Arab speaking Muslims.  The southern region had no independence and was neglected seriously.  A Peace Agreement was signed in the end on January 9, 2005.  It said that the south will have freedom for six years, followed by a referendum on secession, they will merge their armies together to make a strong army if referendum doesn't work out, money from the oilfields is to be split evenly, jobs split according to varying ratios, and Islamic laws remain in the north and they get to make up their own in the south.  That is the The Second Sudanese Civil War.


Definitions For God Grew Tired of Us

  • In-migration- to move into or come to live in a region or community especially as part of a large-scale and continuing movement of population (
  • Out-migration to leave one region or community in order to settle in another especially as part of a large-scale and continuing movement of population (
  • Forced migrationrefers to the coerced movement of a person or persons away from their home or home region
  • Net Internal Migration- crossing into a country or state and staying there for a long time
  • Movers from abroad- movers from a foreign country
  • Internally Displaced Person someone who is forced to flee their home but who, unlike a refugee, remains within their country's borders (

Friday, October 22, 2010

Summary of The Lost Boys of the Sudan

We started when the guys were on the plane.  They were fascinated by the electricity and our way of life.  When they got to their apartment someone had to explain how to use everything.  They had to learn how to use a light switch, a refrigerator, a trashcan, a sink, and a bathroom.  They were shocked that they didn't have to share a bed; that they only had to share a room.  Then they went to the grocery store.  They had to ask someone who worked there what everything was.  They were excited about everything they saw.  They were also very upset to think about the people they left behind.  When they got there the US government had to pay for everything: the apartment, food, clothes, and all their living expenses.  After 3 months though they have to get a job and be able to support their selves.  Buy the sixth month they have to be paying the government back for their flight to get to the United States.  The person that I saw on the video had two jobs. One at a factory and one at McDonald's.  That is where we left off in the movie.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lost Boys Journey

They travel about 450 miles in all.

  About the same length they traveled.  If I traveled from John Carrol I would end up in South Carolina.

Lost Boys of Sudan

1. Why did the Lost Boys have to run away from their homes?
The Lost Boys had to run away from their homes because there was a war in their country between Christian Muslims and animists.
2. Why couldn’t they stay in Ethiopia?
 They couldn't stay in Ethiopia because their government crashed.
3.  What was life like in the refugee camp?
They formed a government called a Parliament.  They got some food and clothes that were donated.  It was a hard place to live. 

Monday, October 18, 2010


Today in class we talked about our family history and on google maps we marked where our ancestors came from.  My ancestors came from Poland on my dad's side and Germany on my mom's.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Part 2 My Family History

My family came from different places.  My dad’s side of the family came from Poland and Ireland. My grandfather’s dad was born in 1914 in the United States and moved to Poland when he was six.  He had family in the United States and they paid for him to come over.  They also helped him get a job and he got enough money to open butchery.  My grandfather’s mother was born in Poland in 1910.  She came to the United States in 1920 when she was ten.  My grandmother’s great-grandmother came over from Poland too, but my grandmother was also Irish.  Because my grandfather’s parents both came from Poland, my grandfather is 100% polish.  Which also means my dad is 75% polish.  That is my father’s side of the family.
My mom’s side of the family came from Ireland, Austria, and Germany.   My mom was born at Lutheran Hospital.  My grandmother’s mother was born in Latrobe in 1927.  My grandmother’s father was born in a house in Essex in 1926.  My great-grandmother’s mother was born in Latrobe too.  My great-grandmothers parents were the Von Hauser’s (father came from Austria) and the Talles (mother came from Ireland).  My great-grandmother’s father was the 13th child of his family.  His parents came from Germany.  My great-grandfather’s grandparent’s names were John Weglein and Rose Mrozinski   My grandfather’s mother was born in Crisfield in 1932.  All of her family was born in Maryland.  My grandfather’s father was born in Virginia in 1926.  All of his family was born in Virginia.  His parents’ names were Charlie Matthews and Lillian Maddox (maiden name) Matthews.  Because my father is % Polish and my mother also has some polish in her (though we don’t know how), we think that my sister, brother, and I are at least 50% polish.  These events that happened in history made me the person I am today.

Part 1 Where I Want To Live

After I graduate from high school and college and I could live anywhere in the world, I would want to move to Paris.  Paris is very big in tourist attraction, which would be a big pull factor.  One of the reasons Paris pulls people is the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, and Arc de Triomphe.  The Eiffel Tower is the most known monuments in Europe.  The Louvre Museum is where one of the most famous monuments is kept, the Mona Lisa and the Arc de Triomphe has one of the best views of Paris.  The reason I would want to move there is that I have always wanted to go there.  It is a beautiful place full of history and culture.  A reason I might not want to move there is I don’t speak French, which is their native tongue.  That is the first place I would move.
If I could not live in Paris I would like to live somewhere tropical.  I would most likely live in Florida.  The place in Florida I would like to live would be either Miami or Daytona Beach.  I would move there because I love the beach.  Plus it has nice temperatures there even during the winter.  There are many other pull factors to Florida.  One is Disney World.  It is a great place to take family.  Plus it’s not a far distance from where I would want to live.  Also it is not that expensive to move there and they have no income tax.  There are also reasons not to move to Florida.  One reason is that a lot of hurricanes in Florida.  They blow right into Florida sometimes.  Another reason is that there are a lot of animals that I don’t want to have around like alligators and snakes.  Florida would be a nice place to live but it could also be dangerous.

Monday, October 11, 2010

October 11

Today in class, we took a quiz.  I think I got and low A-high B.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Population and Settlement

  • 6.8 billion people on the planet right now
  • 90% of the popuation growth takes place in the developing countries of Africa, South and East Asia, and Latin America
  • Arizona passed a law to make people that look Hispanic take out their papers to prove their not illegal at any time (carry it at all times)
  • People want to go to Canada more because they have a better economy 
  • Push
    • civil war 
    • environmental degradation
    • unemployment
    • religious or ethnic persecution

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Terms 2

People migrate because of the push
-they get pushed out because they need to get out
-cant get a job where they live
-they are getting abused and they wanna get out
Pull factor
-freedom to practice whatever religion you want
-freedom of speech
-job opportunities

United Arab Emirates has the most NMR because of its oil so they get money and jobs

-age int he middle
-boys on on left girls on right
-usually in shape of pyramid
-different for different countries

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


  • Life expectancy is low in Africa
  • 1/5 babies in Angola don't make it
  • RNI-more people being born than dying; it will be a positive number (birthrate-death rate = RNI)
  • Population going up in the last 50 years
  • TFR- the average that are born to a women in a given population
  • Need to have 2.1 babies to keep the population the same
  • immigrant comes in
  • emigrant goes out
  • More people leaving Mexico then coming in

Monday, October 4, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pop. Studies

Friday we talked about the population studies we did in class Thursday!