Sunday, October 17, 2010

Part 2 My Family History

My family came from different places.  My dad’s side of the family came from Poland and Ireland. My grandfather’s dad was born in 1914 in the United States and moved to Poland when he was six.  He had family in the United States and they paid for him to come over.  They also helped him get a job and he got enough money to open butchery.  My grandfather’s mother was born in Poland in 1910.  She came to the United States in 1920 when she was ten.  My grandmother’s great-grandmother came over from Poland too, but my grandmother was also Irish.  Because my grandfather’s parents both came from Poland, my grandfather is 100% polish.  Which also means my dad is 75% polish.  That is my father’s side of the family.
My mom’s side of the family came from Ireland, Austria, and Germany.   My mom was born at Lutheran Hospital.  My grandmother’s mother was born in Latrobe in 1927.  My grandmother’s father was born in a house in Essex in 1926.  My great-grandmother’s mother was born in Latrobe too.  My great-grandmothers parents were the Von Hauser’s (father came from Austria) and the Talles (mother came from Ireland).  My great-grandmother’s father was the 13th child of his family.  His parents came from Germany.  My great-grandfather’s grandparent’s names were John Weglein and Rose Mrozinski   My grandfather’s mother was born in Crisfield in 1932.  All of her family was born in Maryland.  My grandfather’s father was born in Virginia in 1926.  All of his family was born in Virginia.  His parents’ names were Charlie Matthews and Lillian Maddox (maiden name) Matthews.  Because my father is % Polish and my mother also has some polish in her (though we don’t know how), we think that my sister, brother, and I are at least 50% polish.  These events that happened in history made me the person I am today.

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