Sunday, October 17, 2010

Part 1 Where I Want To Live

After I graduate from high school and college and I could live anywhere in the world, I would want to move to Paris.  Paris is very big in tourist attraction, which would be a big pull factor.  One of the reasons Paris pulls people is the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, and Arc de Triomphe.  The Eiffel Tower is the most known monuments in Europe.  The Louvre Museum is where one of the most famous monuments is kept, the Mona Lisa and the Arc de Triomphe has one of the best views of Paris.  The reason I would want to move there is that I have always wanted to go there.  It is a beautiful place full of history and culture.  A reason I might not want to move there is I don’t speak French, which is their native tongue.  That is the first place I would move.
If I could not live in Paris I would like to live somewhere tropical.  I would most likely live in Florida.  The place in Florida I would like to live would be either Miami or Daytona Beach.  I would move there because I love the beach.  Plus it has nice temperatures there even during the winter.  There are many other pull factors to Florida.  One is Disney World.  It is a great place to take family.  Plus it’s not a far distance from where I would want to live.  Also it is not that expensive to move there and they have no income tax.  There are also reasons not to move to Florida.  One reason is that a lot of hurricanes in Florida.  They blow right into Florida sometimes.  Another reason is that there are a lot of animals that I don’t want to have around like alligators and snakes.  Florida would be a nice place to live but it could also be dangerous.

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