Wednesday, November 24, 2010

India Questions

  1. What is the current population of India? 1,173,108,018 (CIA Factbook)
  2. What is the total fertility rate in India? 2.65 children born/woman (CIA Factbook)
  3. What percentage of the Indian population lives below the poverty line? 25% (CIA Factbook)
  4. Briefly describe two terrorist attacks inside India. (NY Times)
    1. On Feb. 13 Islamic people bombed a restaurant killing 17 people.
    2. A bomb was set off in 2008 killing 163 people in Mumbai, India.
  5. The Human Development Report of the United Nations ranks the counties of the world by poverty.  Where does India rank on this list? 199th (NY Times)
  6. Briefly describe the effects of the monsoons on India. People and animals dying, people fleeing fearing disease and loosing money. (NY Times)
  7. What are some of the problems India has getting clean water to its people? There is pollution in the Yamuna River and the population has gotten very high so there is not enough water or distribution. (NY Times)
  8. What is the literacy rate in India? 61% (CIA Factbook)
  9. What are the major religions in India? Hindu, Muslim, Christian and Sikh (CIA Factbook)
  10. When did India achieve independence, and from what country? Britain ruled India.  They achieved independence in 1947. (CIA Factbook)

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