Monday, November 22, 2010

India vs. China

  • They are the only countries in the world with more than a billion people.
  • 2 out of every 5 people in the world are equal in size to the world population in 1950
  • No one is even close to China and India
  • China and India are bigger that those of Africa, Europe, and the entire western hemisphere
  • Life expectancy in China 73
  • Life expectancy in India-64
  • China is going to be more of an urbane area
  • international migration is not a big part of the growth of them
  • they do not allow illegal migration
  • they mostly concern fertility
  • in 1950 fertility rate was 6 kids per woman
  • they have declined more in China then in India
  • China fertility rate-1.8
  • India fertility rate-2.8

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